Mergui Archipelago
Kajak Ekspedition 2010
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Hav-expedition I et nyåbnet område af Andamanerhavet. Det nu sidste tilflugtsted for de før så vidt udbredte Moken-folk og en øgruppe med en meget artsrig flora og fauna. Området er nu stærkt truet af illegal træhugst, fiskeri med dynamit og cyanidgift og krybskytteri.
Vi vil prøve at danne os et overblik over den øjeblikkelige situation for Moken, flora og fauna over og under vandet.
Turen bliver udførligt dækket med foto og video både over og under vand.
Archipelago, located in southernmost part of Myanmar (Burma), comprises over 800
beautiful islands. Due to its virtual isolation, the islands and surrounding
seas are alive with an amazing diversity of flora & fauna and very beautiful
underwater scenes and marine life.
The only human inhabitants in the area are sea gypsies, namely Salon (Moken) in
Myanmar. They live on boats during dry season and remain on land during rainy
season. They still practice the same fishing and boat building techniques used
for generation.
The islands are similar to their
Thai counterparts, with rugged, high-profile limestone and granite topography.
One obvious difference, aside from the sheer number of Myanmar(Burma) islands,
is their unspoiled terrestrial scenery. Dense brush and rainforest cover most
areas above the high-tide line, while vast stretches of mangroves and
magnificent white-sand beaches are interspersed with rocky headlands, tidal
creeks and a few freshwater rivers. Though several of the larger islands are
home to small communities of Moken 'sea gypsies,' the vast majority are
uninhabited and largely untouched by humans.